Joshua Beye
Joshua is the lead Security Architect of Guardian Technology.
20 Years IT Experience
Guardian Technology Consulting Services, Opened it's doors in 2010 and has established itself as a leading value-added re-seller and provider of high quality service and technology solutions. As a privately owned corporation, our shareholders are actively involved in management and in daily operations. Our company continues to experience solid growth in the rapidly changing technology industry.
Our professional team is dedicated to providing high quality technology solutions that increase clients' efficiency, productivity and profitability.
It’s impossible to ensure all web applications on your system are free of vulnerabilities at any given time. Whether it’s a previously undiscovered vulnerability, a vulnerability waiting to be patched, an out-of-support system, or some other issue, vulnerabilities are there, waiting to be exploited. Our Web Application Firewalls protect web-based applications from attacks that target vulnerabilities. To further protect sensitive data, we deliver complete database security and application security including discovery and vulnerability management, database activity monitoring and vulnerability management, database activity monitoring and audit, policy-based intrusion prevention, user access management, and database risk management and compliance.
Joshua is the lead Security Architect of Guardian Technology.
20 Years IT Experience
He sets the overall strategy and direction of the company. Dave is also our project manager
15 Years IT Experience
Steve is our Senior Windows Engineer and Mac Expert. He covers mainly NJ clients.
15 Years IT Experience
Brian is the Head of Business development in our Florida and NJ offices .
20 Years IT Experience